Digital Cards: Enabling instant access to online payments
November 17, 2021

Is there anything more frustrating than waiting weeks for that shiny, new online purchase to arrive? In the era of same-day deliveries, I am sure the answer is ‘NO’.

Now imagine applying for a debit card, going through a thorough KYC process, and then waiting ten more days to receive it. This means another week or two of managing cash, delaying online bill payments, or missing that online sale.

Doesn’t sound ideal to us.

That is why Contis have recently added Digital Cards to our growing suite of products.

We want to help our end-users cut through the inconvenience of depending on cash or having to wait to start using their cards.

So, here’s everything to know about our digital cards and how they can benefit the users.

What is a digital card, after all?
A digital card is literally the digital twin of a physical card with the same card number, CVV 2, and expiry date. There is absolutely no difference between the two.

The digital card gets activated as soon as the card details are issued and even before the physical version is sent for production. So, users can start using the digital version immediately once it’s issued without having to wait for the physical card to arrive.

And yes a digital card is different from a virtual card. More on that later, so keep reading! 🙂

How does a digital card work?
As soon as the card is issued in our system, we notify the user and share all relevant card details and instructions to set it up on their smartphones instantaneously. Digital cards can be used in any digital wallet for any kind of online or contactless payment.

Usually, users would get hold of these details once the card is delivered. But with digital cards, we can eliminate any delay and give our end-users instant access to online or contactless payments.

In that case, what happens to the physical card?
The physical card is produced and shipped as usual and can be used in shops or for contactless payments once received. If the users cannot find their physical cards or forget to carry them, they can continue to spend through their digital version.

Is a digital card the same as a virtual card?
Actually, it’s not. Here are a few key differences:

  • Virtual cards never have a physical counterpart. It means that virtual cards do not have the same card details as physical cards. A unique number (also called a token) is generated for every transaction.
  • Virtual cards can be issued on-demand and for a limited period. A digital card, on the other hand, exists for as long as its physical counterpart does.
  • Virtual cards are not linked to the main account. In order to use them, funds must be transferred to the linked virtual account. Digital cards, however, are always linked to the main account.

Virtual cards are best used to control spending and enable users to select a date to close their cards or disable them automatically after a few payments. Typically, an employer would issue them to their employees for secure and trackable company-related expenses. These cards can also be used by parents helping kids manage their money. On the other hand, a digital card is just your regular card in digital form.

